The Plogga phenomenon, the mix of picking up litter and jogging at the same time, har exploded since its inception in 2016 and is now found in almost all parts of the world. If preferred you can walk, skateboard, ride a bicycle, swim or some other means of transportation. Plogging is changing the minds of people and Ploggers are proud litter pickers changing the world and improving out health before it is too late.
Our vision is simple: to create a clean world. We've been stuck thinking that it's wrong to pick up other people's garbage. People have lost respect for the environment around them and continue to throw garbage around them more and more, and we see it everywhere - on our streets, the forests, and in our waterways and oceans.
Plogging is an easy solution to reverse the current negative trend and help create a long-term sustainable society. Plogging is a concrete, inclusive and positive solution to the problem; by Plogging it is no longer taboo to pick up other people's garbage!
Today Plogging is found in more than 100 countries. We help people daily to start up Plogging groups all over the world. Like us on Facebook to updates on events, information and more!
5 reasons to start Plogging
The long life of trash in nature
Trash thrown out in the wild survives longer than you might think. The PET bottle from which you drank cola recently out survives humans nearly 4 times! And the chewing gum you see on the ground may have been there since 1997. When we Plogga, we can see together that garbage isn't part of our ecosystem. How many decades of waste can you Plogga today?

The Cycle of Garbage
Sushi can taste great. But did you know that the fish we eat, in turn, eat the plastic that is thrown into the sea? So in the end you also eat plastic! Research suggests that microplastics can have a detrimental health effect on animals, as well as humans. Next time you're out paddling; bring a plastic bag and Plogga wherever you are!