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Plogging in Korea with Volvo

The event was a Hugo success and they achieved the following impressive numbers

A hugely successful Plogging activity in South Korea.


Volvo Road participants: 12,931
Areas where Volvo Road was carried out: 345
Plogging distance: 87,638km
#volvoroad challenge
SNS verification: 1,089
Volvo Road Day in Sokcho: 1,316 participants/collection of 4,521 plastic bottles and 3,715 beverage cans, achieving a carbon reduction effect of approximately 411.916 kg CO2eq

“I’m so excited to share these awesome results with you. I believe this is an achievement that Volvo Cars Korea and Erik have achieved together.”

“I’m sharing the results film that contains our journey. I hope you always stay healthy and that if we get the other chance, we can do something for the Earth together again.”

Take a look at the event:

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