Reserach reports on Plogging
”As fitness becomes the choice of modern lifestyles, unconventional fitness practices are taking root in the state. From connecting with nature through forest bathing to cleaning up while running with plogging, these activities are gaining traction for their approaches to health and well-being.”
” Erik Ahlstrom, the Swedish environmental activist ”.
In the Bergamo/Gandino edition, over 80 runners from all overthe world collect 1,289 kg of waste: WORLD PLOGGING CHAMPIONSHIP 2024 In the Bergamo/Gandino edition, over 80 runners from all overthe world collect 1,289 kg of waste: WORLD PLOGGING CHAMPIONSHIP 2024
Var med på detta inspirerande event där grundaren av Plogging-rörelsen delar med sig av sin resa och mission att städa upp världen – en joggingtur i taget! Vi startar i Kista Innovation Park onsdagen den 18 september kl 11.30. Missa inte denna chans att vara
The Plogga team asked our digital, creative friend @Linus Lundberg, founder of the app ActiveQuiz, to do a Google search and gather information, images, and videos about Plogging. It all ended up sith this video! I hope you appreciate the result. Please feel free to
Today marks the fourth year of our successful initiative of bringing 450 summer workers to Vrångö to become summer ploggers. Today we had the honor to host a lecture and a plogging session with the instructors for these 450 kids. On Friday, we will head
Take the opportunity to get inspired by the Plogga-founder Erik Ahlström. On monday, may 20 at 12-13 (12 am-1pm). We meet outside Ericsson entrance, Lindholmspiren 11 in Gothenburg. Plogga will provide you with gloves and bags! #actionspeakslouderwords
The fourth edition of Plogga Month begins: Let’s keep our mountains clean! From May 1st to May 31st 2024, we encourage you to participate in Plogga IV of the Kílian Jornet Foundation. During the previous three editions of the Plogga Month, we collected more than 16,000 kg of waste, preventing
The first plogger on the cover of Runner’s World! It’s a ’WAYE OF LIFE’ The article below. Read more:
Every Sunday morning from 10 to 11, dozens of volunteers collect cigarette butts and other waste on the Opéra beach in Nice. Want to take action too? It’s easy and accessible to everyone, come and try it! We provide the equipment (gloves, bags and tongs)
How a veteran runner’s litter-picking campaign birthed a global sport and gave us a new word in the English dictionary – catch up with Erik Ahlström, podd or article!
Watch the inspiring story of Ripu Daman Bevli, a fitness-enthusiast, who’s on a mission to take litter-trash & plastics off our streets and change people’s mindset on littering. #OneForChange
It’s a growing exercise trend that’s good for the environment and your health: plogging. It started in Sweden, with joggers picking up garbage as they go, and is spreading around the world.»
Great story about Plogging and behavior change. Researchers from Zeppelin University, University of Cologne, and UNSW Sydney have published a new study that explores marketing uses for ”behavioral labeling,” or giving behaviors specific names or tags to encourage people to adopt those behaviors. The
Triathlete Award Winner ”7 years ago, I embarked on this journey to pick up litter while running. It wasn’t called plogging then. As I travelled across the country, I took this to various places and so it spread like wildfire. Today there are more than
Intervista a Erik Ahlström, l’ecologista svedese che ha inventato la parola Plogging
We get help from Swedish IKEA and our ambassador in Holland Paul Waye, to spread our message Watch the video which is now distributed to all IKEA customers, staff and department stores, this clip is from IKEA Canada. And read more from IKEA:”How to
Vi väljer att köra #ploggafriday #plogga #plogging #greenfriday Vi vet att dert är billigt och vi vet att det lockar, men snälla miljöhjältar; tänk en extra gång inann du köper de där sakerna som du egentligen inte behöver. I långa loppet är det kanske inte